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Luthi Machinery Company Inc.



Luthi Machinery Company Inc.

Luthi Machinery is a global leader in can-filling technology. We specialize in the manufacture and leasing of filling machines that set the highest standard within our industry.


1 Atlas Ave, Pueblo, Colorado Pueblo 81001 USA

Luthi Rotary Filler (LTF)



Luthi Rotary Filler (LTF)

Luthi Rotary Fillers (LTF) are designed for accurate fill weight, maximum product yield, attractive food appearance and high production speed.

Key features:

  • Overfilling is minimized nbsp; ndash; overfilling has a direct impact on your bottom line. Luthi fillers are the most accurate in the industry. nbsp;Weight can be maintained within plusmn;2 of target.

  • Product yield is maximized nbsp; ndash; uniform density is key to maximizing your product yield ndash; and likewise your profits. Precise adjustment to air pressure control enables you to customize the filling density to the type of product you are packing or other process parameters.

  • Luthi fillers are fast nbsp; ndash; Luthi rotary fillers are designed to fill 90 to 600 cans per minute. Faster filling means you are able to maximize plant capacity with fewer machines or install more machines and produce more salable product. Either way, your bottom line benefits.

  • Container flexibility nbsp; ndash; when you order a Luthi rotary filler, it is built to your container and fill weight requirements. Consequently, when your market or products change, you can easily change too. Machine parts to accommodate other container sizes are just a phone call away.


Solid Pack (SP) Series Tuna Filler
Luthi Solid Pack (SP) tuna fillers are designed to deliver nbsp;high production speed nbsp;and accurate fill weight nbsp;while maintaining the integrity of the product being packed. nbsp;