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ALTA Publishing Company


ALTA Publishing Company

ALTA Publishing Company has good reputation over ten years in Taiwan.

We are specialized in the Packaging and Food Industries. Our main clients are Food & Packaging Machine/Material Manufacturers. We keep good relationship with our clients by providing marketing assistance and we also provide Catalogue design, Poster design, Poster printing, Website design and hosting services.


11F.-1, No.186, Sec. 2, Dongxing Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408 Taichung City 408 Taiwan

The Packaging & Food (PF) magazine is a specialized business magazine, which provides information about the latest development and technologies in the Packaging, Printing, Plastic and Food Industries. PF readers are widely distributed over various trades, such wholesalers, importers / exporters, suppliers, manufacturers, trade associations, chambers of commerce and so forth. For more details, please visit the website: