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Bigtem Makine A.S.


Bigtem Makine A.S.

Bigtem is a specialized process engineering, design and manufacturing, company for food processing equipment located in Istanbul, Turkey since 1973.Bigtem uses the most advance materials to ensure hygiene and durability. Whether you require a simple conveyor or high tech automated equipment, Bigtem can provide you with the right machine for the job. Our large supply of in-stock spare parts ensures that your machinery will be back in service in the shortest time possible.


Orhanlı Mahallesi Gülsüm Sokak No:8 Tuzla Istanbul 34956 Turkey

Designing and manufacturing food processing lines (Frozen French fries, potato chips, canning, freezing, vegetable and fruits drying, juice production, dates processing, dried fruits processing and packing, walnuts&almonds processing, tomato processing, pickle production line etc.)

190 employees (Inc. 30 engineers)

48 years of experience

Designed, manufactured and installed lines in 82 countries

Installation, commissioning and training by highly skilled service engineers and technicians


Used for broccoli, cauliflower etc., floretting and stalk separation. Two operators are oriented broccoli and caulıflowers as stalks up on cups in two side’s conveyors of machines...
Used for steam or water blanching on a wire link stainless steel  belt with guards on both sides & driven by side chains  at preset time (i.e.1 to 5 mins) and  temperature in a stea ...
Used for efficient peeling of potatoes in a totally enclosed high steam pressure (15bar) injected steam chamber. Once steam in injected into peeling chamber, potatoes flesh expends and breaks skin cel ...