Our business slogan is Partnership&Communication. The industries we involved in are facing a diffcult situation due to rapidly developing technoligies
2922/157 Charn Isara Tower2 , Petchburi Rd., Bangkok 10320 Thailand
Our business slogan is Partnership&Communication.
The industries we involved in are facing a diffcult situation due to rapidly developing technoligies (AI,Lot and Self-Driving,etc) and the crsis of skill succession caused by depopulation. It is hard to cope it with the conventional businedd model. Therefore, we will cultivate our business relationship&proposal capabilities,Your continued cooperation is higfly appreciated.
当社が関わる産業界は、AI、IoT、自動運転といった急激な進化と人口減少による技術伝承の危機等、 従来のビジネスモデルは対応が困難な状況に直面しています。この大きな変化に対し、長年培ってきたネットワークと提案力を更に深耕させ、お客様の課題解決に誠実に取り組むことをお約束致します。